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"jdet Mot Kindnete, and *JfudU tf-obiake V<4ee" GT^^Q&^^^ jtcv GxT!^i^C^^?C!'rS G~tj^s^C^_^c^-Jr' A TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY g 8 OF A RIGHTEOUS AND NOBLE WIFE | I 5£?^<£>^3g &*~^<£r*<=2 ^£^<^r^s> $£?^<£r^2 c Born Died July April 18th, 30th, ft 1890 1949 Briskman This Page of the Seffer Hazicoron, The Book of Reminiscences, of the Hebrew Free Loan Association Is Dedicated to the Memory of MRS. ZELDA BRISKMAN BY HER HUSBAND MR. SAM BRISKMAN NO GREATER DEED CAN BE DONE TO A BELOVED WIFE WHO PAST AWAY TO THE GREAT BEYOND THAN THE PERPETUATION OF HER BELOVED MEMORY. Mrs. Zelda Briskman lived a true jewish righteous life. She was humble in her ways as was becoming a true jewish wife and mother. Mrs. Briskman belonged to several jewish organizations and contributed generously to every one of them. Mrs. Zelda Briskman believed in the virtue of “TZODOKOH BASESER,” giving charity secretly, and that was her wish to carry out after her departure from this Earthly Life. Her name will be remembered by the Hebrew Free Loan as she remembered the Hebrew Free Loan Association in her will with a most generous contribution. May the spirit of her noble soul, which she implanted in the hearts of her beloved children, live with them and inspire them to continue in the same way of righteousness that her memory may be remembered in reverence. « SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, - - FEBRUARY, 1950 L
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