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This Page is Dedicated in Loving Tribute to Mr. and Mrs. J erome Epstein Honoring Their Silver Wedding Anniversary By Their Children ELEANOR, DAVID, DR. AND MRS. WILLIAM EPSTEIN AND GRANDSON LEONARD ALLEN EPSTEIN
"Our Parents ”
Over the years they give love and care United, to live a good life they dare, Ready and willing their kindness to share.
Precious the thoughts they convey in a word Always a smile that is seen, though not heard Rare is the pain that they cannot make less
Endless their giving to those in distress, Never too fearful to do what is right.
Their Jewishness shines like a beacon of light. So, Lord, bless our parents, in whom we delight.
May the happiness that has blessed them to this day, continue to bless them always.
Dedicated this 27th Day of March, 1Q60
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