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“His delight was in the Law of the Lord And His Law did he meditate....”
MR. JACOB HERSCHMAN, a past president of the Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio, was a man who shared his business life with that of his Jewish life. Here was a man whose life was governed by the Torah. He was one of the few men yet in San Antonio who attended religious services at his Synagogue every day. He didn’t have to be called for a Minyan. he was there! And his eyes shone brightly at hearing a “Dvar Torah”from a Talmid Chacham. No one who ever came to his door was ever turned away empty handed and he was never too busy to participate in an activity for the Synagogue or the Hebrew Free Loan Association, or for Israel. His profound respect for scholarship was self evident and his concern for his fellowman was a source of comfort and encouragement. He had the unique capacity of bridging the gap of the generations for he was a contemporary of old and young alike. He possessed an innate dignity that earned the respect of his many friends and he possessed a humility that was genuine and ennobling. Together with his wife, Leah, they brought comfort to the bereaved and hope to the discouraged. The Hebrew Free Loan Association became an integral part of his life and to this worthy endeavor he dedicated many years of his life. He served as president for 2 years and lived to see his son-in-law, Mr. Jerome S. Kerman, and his grandson, Mr. Nathan Kerman, follow in his footsteps and assume the presidency of this organization. No task for the Hebrew Free Loan Association was too difficult or demeaning and he never called on anyone else to do something he himself had not already done. He was an Eved Adoshem -- a Servant of God whose faith and devotion were unquestioned. God said to Abraham: “In you shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” Of Jacob and Leah Herschman we can truly say, “In them were all the families of San Antonio Jewry and unknown countless others truly blessed...” “May his soul be bound up in the bonds of Eternal life.” “A woman of valor who can find For her price is far that above the rubies...” The 31st Chapter of the Book of Proverbs characterized the life of this “Woman of Valor,” MRS. LEAH HERSCHMAN. A woman whose whole life was dedicated to Yiddishkeit in its many forms and varieties....the Synagogue, Pioneer Women, Hadassah, Hebrew Free Loan Associaiton...these are the list of her public interests. But there is much more behind all these. Mrs. Herschman, as her name Leah implies, was a matriarch of San Antonio. Her home was a salon for the most Orthodox Rabbis and scholars who gave her Kashrus a “haskamah.” It was also a haven for the many, many Orthodox Jewish young men who were stationed in the army camps in and around San Antonio. Her love for Zionism and for Israel were without peer. She was one of the founders of the Pioneer Women’s Organization in San Antonio and for many years served as its President. Long before it became fashionable to be a Zionist, this woman opened her home to meetings of virtually every Zionist group in San Antonio. Some of the great leaders of Israel, such as the late former Prime Minister, Golda Meir, were guests in her home. In and for San Antonio, she was one of the prime movers and founders of the Golden Manor Home for the Aged. Tzedakah, charity, was a way of life with her and she gave freely and generously of herself and her means to every worthy individual and endeavor. Her home was always open and her hospitality was always warm and generous. Yes, she left her impress on the San Antonio Jewish community, not only for her dedicated life and her selfless devotion to Yiddishkeit, but more so for the legacy she has left —a legacy carried on by her children and grandchildren. Rare, indeed, was this “Ayshes Chayil”—a women of valor, a matriarch of our community —a “Tzadekes” in the truest sense of the word. Much of the good we see in the Jewish community of San Antonio is because God blessed us with MRS. LEAH HERSCHMAN “May her soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life.” MRS. LEAH HERSCHMAN
Your children,
Goldie & Morrie Helen & Jerry Mildred & Alex Janet & Sc
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