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Tkis Pa^e is a Dedication by tbe HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION to RABBI DAVID JACOBSON as its expression of sincere gratitude, to him, for the many years of co-operation and personal service he has given the Association.

The ready and gracious manner, with which Rabbi Jacobson has responded to our every invitation for his participation in the programs of our annual meetings, was indeed a source of gratifi cation and inspiration to the officers of the Association. The eloquent and masterful manner with which Rabbi Jacobson presented each completed Book page for insertion into the Book of Reminiscences, year after year, not only made a lasting impression on all those in attendance at these meetings, but also won for him, the greatest admiration of the purchasers of these pages. Because of this, Rabbi Jacobson's participation on every Hebrew Free Loan program became "a must” as no program would have been considered complete without his presence. Rabbi Jacobson’s lifetime is replete throughout with noted achievements and awards for outstanding community service to the sick, the needy, and the unfortunate. To list them all, would require not just one, but several pages of the Book of Reminiscences. It must be said, and rightfully so, that San Antonio is fortunate indeed to possess a Rabbi of such distinction, esteem, and community stature in its midst as Rabbi Jacobson, who has done so much for so many in our community. And so it is with the utmost pride that the Hebrew Free Loan Association presents this page to Rabbi David Jacobson whereon is permanently inscribed, its most sincere thanks, for extra personal services rendered it, by him, over a period of years. In presenting Rabbi Jacobson with this page, it is the expressed hope of the Association, that God will continue to bless him with all that is good in life, and of which he is so richly deserving, so that he will be enabled to continue without interruption, his dedicated life’s work of serving his God, his community and his fellow man.


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