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Jacob H. Bogoslow
Jacob H. Bogoslow was born in Cherkass, Kiev, Russia, on April 15th, 1891. Chaim and Sarah Bogoslow were his parents. May their souls be in repose.
Jacob H. Bogoslow arrived in the United States in 1914. He became a resident of San Antonio in the year of 1917. His family consists of three nephews and a niece, who reside in Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. Jacob H. Bogoslow has been a member of B’nai B’rith for more than 27 years, a member of Zionist Organization of America for more than 40 years and is a member of the Jewish Community Center. He also was affiliated with Congregation Agudas Achim and many other organi zations. He also has contributed large sums of money to the Jewish National Fund, which is very dear to his heart, and many other worthy Jewish causes. He also is a purchaser of Israel Bonds.
Since his retirement, after 40 years in the mercantile business, he has been active in organizational work.
Remember us, O Lord our God, for our well-being; be mindful of us for blessings, spare us and be gracious unto us. May thy loving kind ness follow us and be a comfort to us for all of our days.
Dedicated this 5th day of March, 1967
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