It is in sincere appreciation of their continuous support, both financial and moral,
given as loyal members of the Association for the past quarter of a century or more, that the HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION gratefully dedicates this book page to the following:
Henry Alterman
Aaron Katz Bert Kelfer
Sam Barban
Gershon Barenblatt Israel Barenblatt
Martin Lachman Abe Lansberg Alex Leiberman Sam B. Lifshutz Morris Lippman Morris Marcus
Eli Belinsky
Sam Briskman 1. D. Chafetz Harry Cohen Meyer Cohen Simon Donzis Louis Eastman Jerome Epstein E. M. Forbes Joe Freeman Abe H. Gans Sam Gelfond Ben Goodman Neiten Gossen Louis Greenberg Ben F. Harris Morris Heifetz Jake Hershcan Albert Hirchfield Bernard Kanter 1. P. Karotkin Jake Karotkin Reuben Karren Charles Freydberg 1. Gromb
Isidore Marks
Jim Novy
E. E. Olschansky Jesse Oppenheimer
Max Penner
Maurice Polunsky David Rappoport Max Rosenman Abe S. Rosenberg Barney Sadovsky Mrs. Jacob Schmidt Ben Rosenthal
Louis Scharlack Dave Shanefield
Joe Shapiro Max Sheff Sam Sikora Abe Spector
1. Silber
Adolph Vogel
Ralph Zork
MARCH 15, 1959
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