I n H onor of Y our B ar M itzvah
Jonathan Moses
A re D edicating T his P age
I n T he
T hey W ant Y ou T o H ave T his P age
As A P art of T he G reat P rivilege
of T he M itzvah '’G milat C hasadim ”.
May the words of our sages be your inspiration always. They always were concerned to bring happiness to the world as well as to each indi vidual. They quote "These are the three factors of the world’s coexist ence, TORAH, AVODAH, AND GMILAT CHASADIM”. To love the words of Torah, willingness to work, and unselfish desire of sharing your blessings spiritually as well as materially with others. In other words, to make possible to bring self-sufficiency to your fellow men. This is even greater than the big Mitzvah of charity. Remember to make possible to spread happiness to your fellow men and preserve respect for others in time when you try to help them. May GOD Almighty guide you in your future life so you will be able to walk on the road of truth, kindness and righteousness. With all of our love from your father mother, brother Milton and sister, Sharon Scharff.
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