T his P age I s D edicated T o

[r. E. ]

B y T he

Hebrew Free Loan Association I n T ribute T o H is M any Y ears of A ctive S ervice T o T he A ssociation , As A M ember , T rustee , and P resident . Mr. Olschansky’s term of service had its beginning in the year 1938 when he was selected from the general membership ranks, to serve as a member of the Association’s Board of Trustees. After having served with distinction, as the chairman of various Association committees, for a number of years, Mr. Olschansky was rewarded with the high office of Association president in the year 1944. Having completed two most successful terms as Association President, Gene, as he is fondly referred to by his fellow Trustees, reverted back to his previous position of trustee, and has continued to serve in this capacity to the present day. Because of his many years experience as a successful business man and his remarkable ability to cope with the many modern business problems that are constantly facing business men, Gene’s counsel and advice was consistently sought after by various Association Administrations in their efforts to solve the many difficult problems that have confronted their administrations, time after time. It was because of this fact, that Gene was recognized as a leader among that selected group of Trustees known as the Elder Statesmen of the Association. In recognition of these atributes and others, the Association is proud to present Gene Olschansky this page, with the expressed hope that it will provide him and his good wife Betty, with a tangible source of reflection of the many years of personal service he has so willingly given our Association.


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