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Rabbi Norman Perman has served Congregation Rodfei Shalom, San Antonio, Texas, for the past five years as Hazzan, Baal K'riah, Shochet-Mohel, and Mashgiach.
■ ■ ■ Their eldest grand-daughter, Dana Dlott, has completed studies at Michlala, the Jewish College for Women in Jerusalem, and has received her diploma in the teaching of Jewish History, and has successfully completed all her examinations for teaching certification by the Government of Israel. Seven of the grandchildren attend Yeshivot or Hebrew Day Schools, and all have made their grandparents proud of their high scholastic achievements. Both Rabbi and Mrs. Perman have been closely identified with Israel and the Zionist movement. During their younger years in Poland they played active roles in any Palestinian cause, and since the establishment of the State of Israel have worked tirelessly on any and all projects of benefit and support of Israel. Mrs. Perman has been to Israel twice and the Rabbi once since Israel became a sovereign state. Both have large families there and are in regular contact with them. Rabbi Perman is a member of the Rabbinical Council and the Cantors Assembly of America. In 1965 he was honored as a Fellow of the Jewish Theological Seminary at a special convocation ceremony. Mrs. Perman is a member of the Haddassah and Pioneer Women and is active in the Sisterhood programs of the congregation. Their youngest son, Moses Hyman, is an account executive with Harcourt Publishing Company, and is married to the former Marilyn Blufston of Tulsa. They have two daughters. Rabbi Perman has had a varied career in the communal centers he has served. His early training began in the Yeshivos of Warsaw, Poland, and later in Palestine. He was ultimately ordained by the great Warsaw Yeshiva, and has also received s'micha from the world reknowned S’fath Emeth Yeshiva, of Jerusalem. He came to Canada in 1930, and possessing a fine tenor voice, studied first with Cantor Zavel Kwartin, in Montreal, and later with the famed Choral Director and composer, Benjamin Brownstone, in Winnipeg. His first position as spiritual leader in this hemi sphere was in Leder, Saskatchewan, and after a period of years was called to serve the Jewish Community of Aberdeen, South Dakota. In the years following he served as Rabbi, Hazzan, Shochet/mohel, in Dallas, Texas, and still serves the Dallas community as LbdUKau^ ^ Rabbi Perman is from an illustrious family of great Rabbis of Poland, whose scholarship was unquestioned and reknowned throughout Europe. Sylvia Perman is also a native of Warsaw, and counts her ancestry back to the great sage - The Chozeh of Lublin, and the dynasties of Horowitz-Wohlgelerenter. Throughout her years in Europe and Canada and the U. S. , she was a staunch Zionist and worked in every way possible for the furtherance of this great crusade. Rabbi and Mrs. Perman were married in 1930, and have been blessed with four children. The oldest daughter, Ayne, is the wife of Alvin Dlott, a wine distributing company executive, in Cleveland, Ohio, and they have three children. The second daughter, Florence, is married to Rabbi David L. Silverman, of Temple Emanu-El, Batavia, New York, and they have four children. Their son, Rabbi Isaac Perman, is Rosh Yeshiva of the famed Yeshiva of Philadelphia, and is married to the former Miriam Melber of Israel and New York, and they have four children.
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