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A DEDICATION TO A PIONEER OF OUR COMMUNITY i MRS. A. ALTERMAN THIS PAGE OF THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES OF THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION IS DEDICATED IN MERMORY OF ABRAHAM DAVID ALTERMAN BY HIS WIFE EDITH ROSE & Mr. Abraham D. Al+erman was one of the pioneers of our Jewish Community. During the forty years of his life in our midst he was active in Jewish affairs and has taken a great deal of interest in the upbuilding of our institutions. Mr. Alterman was one of the first members of Congregation Agudas Achim, and he contributed liberally to wards its maintenance. He belonged to many other charitable organizations and gave aid to every worthy cause. To perpetuate his memory Mrs. A. Alterman has dedicated this page of the Sefer Hazicoron to inscribe the name and good deeds of her husband, Abraham David, who passed to the world beyond November 6, 1924. MAY HIS SOUL BE BLESSED January 16, 1940 San Antonio, Texas
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