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THE BOOK OF REMINISCENCES TH 2 T H IfiD ner bisi to ? sin TELLS OF MAN'S UPRIGHTNESS 5123 ciras ns tq m u>


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This page is dedicated to the nobie work of Abraham Vexler. president of the ’ G miiuth Cha- sodim, ' and Rose Vexler, his wife. For twenty-three years Mr. and Mrs. Vexler have been residents of San Antonio, and since their arrival they have been very active in all Jewish community activities Their home is a tr . it. wish one—a "Beth Israel." There one can see the observance of "Kashruth," the Sabbath and the Festivals in an atmosphere thoroughly and traditionally Jewish. Their ^ons and daughters have been given a fine Jewish education. All have attended the Talmud Torah, and also the Religious School of the Con gregation Agudos Achim. They hove been con firmed and graduated from these institutions. Abraham Vexler is one of the most charitable men in our community, one of the first contributors to every'cause. The Synagogue, Community Center, Talmud Torah, Jewish National Fund, Joint Dis tribution Committee, United Palestine Appeal, Ye- shivahs, and various European institutions have benefited greatly because of his efforts. Mr. Vex ler has given not only of his means but also of his time and labor in behalf cf every Jesvish cause. In 1936 Mr. and Mrs. Vexler endowed and equipped a room in the Hebrew Community Center in memory of their dear parents. In addition to being president of the "G'miiuth Chasodim," Abraham Vexler is Vice-President of the Congregation Agudas Achim, Chairman of the Jewish National Fund Council, Vice-President of rhe Talmud Torah, Vice-President of the San An tonio Chapter of the Zionist Organization, is on the board of directors of the Hebrew Community Center, and is also an c ive board member of many of the local Jewish organizations.

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29th of December, 1937

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