

iPa ’?ii?i inn Pprinmu Ppi nunu Pi? May the voice of joy and gladness be ever heard and prevail in the hearts of the bridegroom and bride

cnpa py pa Tvs* innsra D'aman c'jn naan net? "O make these loved companions greatly to rejoice, even as of old thou didst gladden those in the Garden of Eden"

A Dedication To a Bride and Groom This Page of The Book of Reminiscences of THE HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION is dedicated in honor of the marriage of idella Cohen to Aaron Charles on Sunday, September Nineteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Four at three o’clock in the afternoon at the Congregation Rodfei Sholom Synagogue, 115 East Laurel, San Antonio, Texas. By The Officers of the Hebrew Free Loan Association

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