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ThisPage is Dedicated to the memory of

Max Paclit

(.Mordeci Yitzhok■ben Yekuda) By His Friends





Max Pachter was born in Chriebieshow, Poland on December 13, 1904, where he received his schooling. He arrived in the United States in 1933 and came to Laredo, Texas. In 1935 he moved to San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Pachter was a member of the following organizations: Agudas Achim Synagogue, Rodfei Sholom Synagogue, Poale Zion, and Histadrut.

He devoted most of his time and energy in behalf of the Histadrut.

Mr. Pachter died on April 16, 1955 Hebrew Calender Date Nisan 24, 5715

A devoted husband and loving father.

May His Soul Rest in Peace


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