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Jfiis page in the Book of Reminiscences of the Hebrew Free Roan of San Antonio, Texas, is dedicated in honor of ISRAEL BARENBLAT and wife ROSE BARENBLAT by their children LIANA and MARVIN BARENBLAT SYLVIA and DR. WILLIAM EPSTEIN IRVING and BETTY BARENBLAT
Israel and Rose Barenblat were married in San Antonio, Texas, September 10th, 1933, and are still residing in this city. Mr. and Mrs. I. Barenblat are very active in this Jewish Community and are participating in the local and national organizations. They are members of the Rodfei Sholom and Agudas Achim Congregations of this city. Mr. Israel Barenblat is president of the San Antonio Hebrew Free Loan Association for the last four years. This token is given in the honor of the Silver Wedding Anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. I. Barenblat, and in appreciation of the Jewish training and the warm home environment they have provided their children. May God bless our dear parents with a long life, and with many healthy and happy years, so that they may be with us and continue with their good deeds.
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