Tkis Page is Dedicated to Israel Lewinf Mrs. Stisi Lewin and David Orklitt ky tke
This page is dedicated by the Hebrew Free Loan Association to the memories of Mr. Israel Lewin, Mrs. Stisi Lewin, and Mr. David Orblitt, cre ators, through a will bequest, of the Israel Lewin, Stisi Lewin, and David Orblitt Charity Fund. It was because of their generosity and remembrance, in their will, that our Association was made a beneficiary of this charity fund, from which it has received and will continue to receive, until the funds of this charity fund have been exhausted, sizeable amounts of money each year. It was because of these annual money bequest gifts, in conjunction with monies received from other will bequests, that in a great measure, has enabled our Association to broaden considerably, its noble purpose, of helping a man to help himself, with a timely financial loan, free of inter est, in his time of need. It is in grateful acknowledgement of their remembrance of, and benevolence to, our Association, that we reverently dedicate this page to their memories.
M.ay their souls forever rest in peace.
Dedicated this 16th day of March 1958.
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