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Tkis page is Dedicated to MR. HARRY COHEN by the Hebrew Free Loan Association

in tribute to bis many years of devoted service to

tbe Association, botb as a member of its Board of

Trustees and as its Treasurer

Mr. Cohen's long period of service with the Association, had its beginning in the year of 1926 when he was first elected as a member of its Board of Trustees, and after having served in this capacity for six years, was elevated to the position of Association treasurer, a position which he now holds, and has continuously held, for the past twenty six years. It must be said of Mr. Cohen, that because of his overwhelming generosity in providing the Association with office space, in his business establishment, free of rent, all these years, that he is individually responsible in building up the Association’s capital by many thousands of dollars. So intensely devoted was Mr. Cohen to the Association and his duties as treasurer, that he would often set aside and neglect his own store business to take care of less important Association business. Mr. Cohen, has, by the cordial and sincere manner with which he has performed his duties as Association treasurer, so popularized himself with all who have been privileged to have contact with him, that they have consistently returned him to his treasurer’s office, by unanimous vote, year after year. It is because of his long and devoted period of service to the Asso ciation and the personal attributes mentioned, that the Association is proud to present to Mr. Cohen this page, with the expressed wish, that God will continue to bless him with the good health and full strength, necessary, for him to continue serving his beloved Hebrew Free Loan, in the years that lie ahead.

MARCH 15, 1959

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