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This Page is Dedicated to Our Son

Sammie On the Day of His Bar Mitzvah , December 12, 1Q5Q By His Parents Mr. and Mrs. Felix Reif


As parents of Sammy, we are proud that our son has arrived at the point of receiving his Bar Mitzvah and his name is to be inscribed in this noted Book of Reminiscences. Sammy was brought to America from Germany on November 17, 1949, when only three years old, and since, has grown to be a wonderful and obedient son who has taken advantage of the many opportunities afforded him by his parents. Not only have his scholastic grades in both public and Hebrew School been above average but he has also won numerous throphies in athletics. He is a regular attendant at all religious services of Congregation Agudas Achim, and his thoughtfulness and consider ation of his parents and others with whom he has been in contact, is indeed gratifying to those dear to him.

Sammy has two sisters, Helena and Arlene.

It is the sincere hope of we parents, that this page, which we are dedicating to Sammy, shall serve as an added inspiration for him to continue in the philanthropic work of Judaism and its many” worthy causes.

Dedicated this 27th Day of March, 1Q60

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