This Page is Dedicated by The Hebrew Free Loan Association to Morris Bankler
in Grateful Recognition of His Ten Years of Outstanding Service as a Member of its Board of Trustees
Mr. Bankler first became acquainted with the workings of our Association when he was selected to fill the Board vacancy created by the death of his father, I. Bankler, a trustee of many years standing, in May of 1950. It was only a short time after his appointment to the Board of Trustees that Mr. Bankler was selected to chairman the Association’s picnic committee of that year. So successful did this picnic prove to be, under his supervision, that he was consistently reappointed to this post with each passing year since that time. It was under Mr. Bankler's capable leadership, as picnic commit tee chairman, that the Association has enjoyed the most successful picnics, of the many it has given in the past quarter of a century. It is in recognition of this outstanding service record, that the Hebrew Free Loan Association is proud to honor Mr. Bankler with this page and express the hope, that he will continue to serve our worthy Association with the same capable leadership in the many years to come, that he has in his ten years just concluded.
Dedicated this 27th Day of March, 1Q60
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