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This Page is Dedicated in Loving Memory of Mrs. Mary Filler By Her Children Sons I. Jv Harry, and Sam and Daudliter Mrs. Martin Praeder
Mrs. Filler, who resided in San Antonio for more than thirty-five years, devoted most of her daily time to the rearing of her fine family.
Yet, despite the ever pressing amount of time and effort required of her in raising her family, she still was able to participate in the activities of the Agudas Achim Sisterhood and the San Antonio Chapter of Hadassah.
During and after World War two, when her family had grown to maturity, she gave much of her time and energy to doing Red Cross work.
She died on January 13, 1958, leaving behind, endearing mem ories of her motherly devotion that will forever remain engraved on the grateful hearts of her children.
May Her Soul Rest in Peace.
Dedicated this 27th Day oj March, 1Q60
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