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Tlie Hebrew Free Loan Association
Dedicates This Page To Mr. Joseph Kalish
In Sincere Appreciation of the Years of Service Given, And the Many Hours of Personal Efforts Spent by Him, in the Performance of His Responsibilities as Book Literary Chairman
Mr. Kalish’s record of service had its beginning on August 15, 1940, when he was first elected a member of the Hebrew Free Loan Board of Trustees, and was immediately selected by Mr. A. Seriff, designer of our renowned Book of Reminiscences, to serve with him on the Book Literary Committee, with the specific function of preparing purchased Book pages for their installation into the Book proper. Upon the death of Mr. Seriff in 1950, Mr. Kalish was asked and graciously accepted, the chairmanship responsibilities of this committee and has done a most excellent job in fulfilling the exacting duties of this position to the present day. Not only has Mr. Kalish done an excellent job as Book Literary Committee Chairman, but he has also been outstanding in fulfilling his responsibilites as a member of the Board of Trustees, by being consistently a leader among the Trustees, in the selling of tickets to various Association functions and in the collection of dues. It is in recognition of these outstanding services performed by Mr. Kalish, that our Association is pleased to honor him with this page. May the good Lord continue to bless him with many more years of good health, so that he can continue to be an integral part of our renowned Association in the years that lie ahead.
Dedicated this 27th Day of March, 1QOO
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