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Officers and Trustees of the Hebrew Free Loan Assn Administration of the Years 1937-38

J. Walter Feigenbaum, S. Barban, D. Safir, J. Spector, A. Rabinowitz, L. Greenberg and Jake Ratner. In the second row from left to right are A. Seriff, A. Matusoff, Rev. A. Gur- vitz, Rev. D. Kanter, A. Kamrass, A. Vex- ler, Rabbi A. Rabinowitz, Rabbi D. Tam- arkin, Rev. H. Lubel and I. Lewin. In the third row from left to right are S. Glasser, S. Erlich, B. Barenblat, S. Kagan, H. Cohen, D. Shaenfield, Z. Katz, A. Sinkin, N. Gossen, M. Pachter, E. M. Forbes and S. Levin.

“|"HE above is a picture of the honorary officers and trustees of the Hebrew Free Loan Association, taken on the stage of the Hebrew Community Cen ter, the afternoon of Sunday, January, 16th, 1938, and whom, by their unified efforts and ardent co-operation in be half of the Association and its noble pur pose, were greatly responsible for the remarkable strides of progress made by the Association during the fiscal year of 1937-38. From left to right in the first row is

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