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A- Tribute to the beloved

Hyman and Sarah Maltzman

Pioneers of the Jewish Community of San Antonior Texas Since 1Q14

Mr. Hyman Maltzman was born in Yampele, Voliner Guberni, and Mrs. Sarah Maltzman was born in the city of Kovno, Lithuania. Mr. Maltzman came to New York City, in 1890, to his parents &family, and was married to Sarah in St. Louis, in 1902. For the past 38 years they resided in San Antonio, Texas, in the same neighborhood of Chestnut Street. For all these years Mr, and Mrs. Maltzman devoted themselves earnestly and sincerely to the causes and traditional Jewish life. They were among the organizers of The Rodfei Sholom Congregation. They have the KEY to the synagogue, and they have burned the MORTGAGE of the Synagogue. They were also among the organizers of the HEBREW FREE LOAN of this city. Among the relics in their house they treasure the manuscripts of Rabbi Samuel Kleban. The Hebrew Free Loan joins the Jewish Community in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Maltzman in the words of the Psalmist: rrr majm cheh ran&a up ”Tbey shall still bring forth fruit in old age, they sliall be full of sap and green” God bless them and Give them Jong life

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