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MR. ABRAHAM KAMRASS ><=> oczz> ocd ocz)o<=>oocz>oei

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On this page of the Book of Reminiscences is brief ly inscribed the history of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham II. Kamra. s, and of their good deeds and contributions to wards the welfare of our Jewish Community. Mr. AERAIIAM KAMRASS came to San Antonio almost two decades ago, and established himself here. Though he worked hard to support his family and build up his business, he found enough time to take a hand in community life. In 1924, realizing the necessity of a Hebrew Free Loan in our Jewish Community, Mr. Kam- rass immediately called upon a few of his friends, con vincing them of the need of such an organization. Dif ficult was that task, and he encountered many obstacles on his way. Some charitable institutions were against his idea and tried to discourage him, but his heart felt the great need of such an organization as the Gmilus Chasodjm; and through his efforts and ceaseless work, Mr. KAMRASS succeeded in organizing the Hebrew Free Loan. Only a handful of men joined him in his undertaking and within a short time 70 members joined. Mr. KAM RASS devoted a great deal of his time toward that good ■cause and under his leadership as President for 12 years the H. F. L. increased in membership and became known as the most outstanding organization in our Jew ish Community. As honorary president now, he still at tends meetings and keeps up the spirit to do and help. Mr. KAMRASS was also president of the Rodfe Sholom Congregation for 5 years and carried out his plans and fulfilled his duties successfully. He organized a Hebrew School and worked for the good cause earnestly. He also saw the necessity of beautifying the Cemetery and fixing in all things needed there. Mrs KAMRASS has helped him in every way and patiently carried the burden of bringing up their children in a Jewish spirit. Mr. and Mrs. KAMRASS truly deserve that their names and good deeds should be inscribed in the Safer Hazicoron to which they contributed morally and mater ially.


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