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Dave Shaenfield



This page is dedicated by the Hebrew Free Loan Association, to Mr. Dave Shaenfield, one of its best known and respected trustees, in tribute to his many years of untiring and faithful service to our Association. This service, which covers a span of twenty-seven consecutive years, had its beginning on July 23rd, 1929, when Mr. Shaenfield, was first elected a member of the Association Board of Trustees and has con tinued, without interruption, on down to the present day. Mr. Shaenfield, has, during these many years of service, also had the honor of serving as president of the Association, during the years of 1942 and 1943. Because of his outstanding and untiring efforts in behalf of our Association, Mr. Shaenfield was affectionately given the title of “Mr. Hebrew Free Loan’’in the year 1956, and a title which he so justly deserved, because of the lead he has always taken in the annual sale of picnic tickets, collection of membership dues, and other Association functions through the passing years. It is in recognition of these many personal services and attributes, that our Association is proud to dedicate this page to Mr. Shaenfield, whereon they will be permanently recorded and available for reviewing, in fond recollection, by himself, his family, and his many friends, in the years to come.

Dedicated this l6th day of March 1Q58.


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