T his P age I s D edicated T o
There were very few Association projects of the past decade in which Mr. Joffe was not only a participant, but in many, the actual originator of the project itself. No Association assignment was too large, or detail too small, for Mr. Joffe to give it the personal time and attention de manded, even at the neglect of his own personal business. Being a builder by profession, and a most successful one at that, Mr. Joffe has applied his success formula to the building of the Hebrew Free Loan, to its present position of leadership among local Jewish organizations. It is in recognition of this outstanding achievement record and his years of dedicated service, that the Association is proud to present Mr. Joffe this page, with the hope that God will continue to Bless him with the strength and good health necessary for him to continue actively serving in the years to come, the organization that has won such an affectionate place in his heart, his beloved Hebrew Free Loan Association. It was because of his recommendation, that a long needed permanent loan record reference file was assembled, to facilitate and shorten the time needed, for the processing of new loan applications. To Lola Joffe, Mr. Joffe’s helpful wife and loyal supporter, throughout his Hebrew Free Loan career, must credit and thanks be given, for her voluntary work in assembling this reference file, at a savings of hundreds of dollars to the Association. It has often been said: "That Blessed is the man who gives freely of his means and willingly of his personal time and effort to better the lot of his less fortunate fellow man.” Such a man is E from J offe , Association Trustee, whom the Hebrew Free Loan Association honors with this page, in tribute to the years of personal service he has given it, as a member, as a trustee, and as a president of the Association. Mr. Joffe, a man of many talents, aggressive action, and far sighted vision, has, in the thirteen short years be has been associated with the Hebrew Free Loan Association, built up for himself a record of accomplish ments which has few equals among present Association Trustees. It was his aggressive leadership, while serving as president of the Association during the years of 1962 to 1964, that was responsible for the attainment of an all time high membership record.
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