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Ben Kamrass

It has often been said, "That Blessed is the family that has in its midst a man understanding and generous in character and one sincerely devoted to each and every member of his family.” Such a man is Benjamin Jacob Kamrass, devoted son, admired brother and loving parent, to whom this page is affectionately dedicated by members of his family, in honor of his fiftieth birthday observance. Ben, as he is affectionately known by all his relatives and many friends, was born in San Antonio on November 13, 1915, and is the eldest son of Abraham Kamrass, founder of the San Antonio Hebrew Free Loan Association. After growing from boyhood to manhood, in our city, during which growth he participated in the various Jewish youth activities of his day, Ben entered the United States Air Corps during World War II, attained officer rank and served until its conclusion. Following his return to civilian life, Ben and the members of his family left San Antonio to establish permanent residence in Los Angeles, California. There he entered the wholesale produce business and achieved astronomical success in this business venture. He also married, and now resides happily with his wife Lee, and his two children, son Sam and daughter Susan, in Beverly Hills. Even though Ben has been away from San Antonio for many years, he has never forgotten the Hebrew Free Loan Association his father founded, by being its ardent supporter through the payment of the yearly membership dues and in the frequent giving of generous monetary con tributions to the Association. In appreciation of this continuous support, the Association has made him an Honorary Trustee of the Association. Because of his sincere devotion to each and every member of his family and his generous contributions to all worthy Jewish causes, Ben has won for himself, the utmost respect and esteem of all who have been privileged to know him. It is in recognition of these outstanding character attributes that the members of Ben’s family proudly present him with this page on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday observance, with the sincere wish, that God will continue to Bless him with all the goodness of life with which he now is so richly endowed, for the remainder of his lifetime.


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