T his P age I s D edicated
To O ur S on Charles Jacob
O n T he D ay of H is B ar M itzvah , M ay 1 , 1965
B y H is P arents
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Levine
It is with a deep sense of reverence and gratitude that our son has officially entered the Congregation of Israel, that his name is now in scribed in this Book of Reminiscences. Our prayer — that his becoming Bar Mitzvah will be considered a starting point of a life of responsibility as an Orthodox Jewish young man. Charles attends Horace Mann Junior High School and has maintained an excellent scholastic record. He has served as president of his home room and student council representative. He is serving now as publicity manager of the NCSY. He attends services regularly at Congregation Rodfei Sholom. His hobbies are tennis, chess and leathercraft. He has two sisters, Jeanne and Carole who are attending college in New York City and needless to say loves them very much. It is interesting to note that his father became Bar Mitzvah in the old Rodfei Sholom Synagogue and that both of his grandfathers, Abraham Levine and Charles Jacobs as well as his grand uncle Sam Jacobs "Alayhem Hasholom” were founding members who helped establish this house of God. It is our hope that this page with which we honor Charley will not only serve to inspire him to continue along the path of life which his Orthodoxy indicates, but will also be one that he will cherish throughout his life.
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