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T his P age I s D edicated
I n L oving M emory of
Louis Shapiro By His Devoted Wife, Hattie, Children Maxine, Mike, Alan, and Grandchildren
LOUIS SHAPIRO WAS BORN IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, DECEMBER 25, 1904. In life, a doting father and a devoted husband for 30 years. He lived his life of family devotion until his death, September 2nd, 1959. Louis Shapiro and Hattie Rubin were married by Cantor David Kanter, in Agudas Achim Synagogue on September 1st, 1929. Their marriage was blessed by two children, Maxine (Mickey) and Alan. Added blessings are the children of Mickey and Mike Dorum, granddaughters Susan Meryl, Judith Lynn, and Linda Yvonne, who was named after her grandfather. A member of Congregation Agudas Achim, the Hebrew Free Loan, and was particularly interested in children, Louis Shapiro served for many years as chairman of Troop No. 9, Agudas Achim Scout Troop and proudly was a member of the "Order of the Arrow.” As Louis Shapiro loved his family, he also loved people in every walk of life. He believed in devotion to family and consecrated his life to living that belief.
May the memory of his love and faithfulness ever aid and inspire us. May his soul be bound up in the bond of life.
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