
This Page is Dedicated in the Memory of Mr. Sam Jacobs by tbe executors of bis estate Mr. Bernard Kanter and Mr. Dan Levine "We will sing to tlie Lord, for He has completely triumphed”

Top row: Lto R, Victor Raboy, Julius Goldberg, Jerome Dawson, Cantor Irving Dean, Joe Hoefle, Louis Mandel, Kalman Chasan; Second row: Morris Erlich, Martin Barenblat, Benjamin Chasan, Irving Barenblat, Daniel Potashnick; First row: Melvin Topp, Ronald Gerson, Isaac Raboy, Nathan Spector, Ronald Dean, and Bernard Stoller. Norman Bernstein another member of the choir is not in this picture. The choir of Rodfei Sholom was founded in 1950 by Cantor Irving Dean, almost immediately after he assumed the position as Cantor of Congregation Rodfei Sholom. The first formal appearance of the Rodfei Sholom choir outside of holiday or Sabbath services was the dedication of the new Sanctuary for Congregation Rodfei Sholom in September, 1951. In 1951 the choir was heard over a half hour program over station WOAI. One of the choir's unique performances was the presentation of a Cantata for Shevous in 1953. During that same year, Ronald Dean, son of Cantor Irving Dean, became choir soloist making him one of the youngest choir soloist in the nation. At the request of WOAI-TV the choir appeared in 1956 and in 1957 on the Heritage of Israel, a High Holy Day presentation, with Cantor Dean and Rabbi Gross- man. This program was acclaimed one of the finest religious presentations ever offered on television. For the eighth and ninth anniversaries of the State of Israel, the choir presented two concerts of Israeli music commemorating the young countries independence. Through all the years since its inception, the members of the choir have served diligently, attending frequent rehearsals and participating in Sabbath and holiday services. The members of the choir serve on a volunteer basis and their only renumeration is the gratification they receive in knowing that in their music they have contributed to the enhancement of their Synagogue's services. A great deal of the choir's musical repertoire has been composed especially for it by its director, Cantor Irving Dean. The continuious success of the Rodfei Sholom choir is entirely due to the untiring efforts and great musical ability of its founder and director.

Dedicated March 16, 1958

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