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ThisPage is Dedicated in the Memory of Mr. Sam Jacobs by tbe executors of bis estate Mr. Bernard Kanter and Mr. Dan Levine "Serve the Lord with joy; come before Him with singing"

The original members of the Agudas Achim Choir which was organized by the late Cantor David Kanter in 1915 were Charles M. Lee, Mrs. Nathan Nevelow, Abe Rabinowitz and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sugarman. The Choir assisted at the High Holiday services and on special occasions. After the flood of September, 1921, when services could not be continued at Old Synagogue (corner Aubrey and Builbeau Streets) they were conducted at the Hebrew Institute. At this time late Friday night services were initiated and the Choir became an integral part of the services. The members then were Louis Arbetter, Ida Brenner, Rose Solomon Bernard, Fanny Milgram Dodic, Hyman Eiderberg, Idella Adelman Fox, Sam Jacobs, Celia Kaliff, Charles M. Lee, Jeanette Levytansky, Esther Lapidus Nevelow, Abe Rabinowitz and Tillie Brown Sondock. For some years after the completion of the New Synagogue on Main and Quincy Streets to the present time the membership varied, as new people joined and others dropped out. Among those who joined were Bernard and Pinney Kanter, Celia Levis, Arthur Neuman and Paul Racusin, and Hyman Be clear. The Choir was invited to sing in many parts of Texas and in Mexico, and partici pated in the dedication of Synagogues in Austin, Corpus Christi and in Monterrey. During the World Wars the Choir sang liturgical music to the men at many military installations. Sometimes the weather made the roads so bad that the women had to be carried from the cars to the buildings. After the death of Cantor Kanter the Choir continued to serve the Synagogue without a director. Of the present Choir, two members have a record of over 35 years' service—Mrs. N. Nevelow and Mrs. J. Dodic. Arthur Neuman and Bernard Kanter have served over 20 years. Mr. Sam Jacobs served over 35 years, until his death in May, 1956. Since 1948 Emanuel J. Barkan has been the Cantor of Agudas Achim and his Choir now consists of twelve. Four are “veterans”—Fanny Dodic, Bernard Kanter, Arthur Neuman and Esther Nevelow. The other eight are: David Goldwasser, Ann Horn, Sidney Kempler, Burton Klayman, Celia Levis, Esther Shearer, Fanny Smith and Marsha Weiner. The first time he “davened" before a congregation as "hazzan" Emanuel J. Barkan had to stand up on a stool to see into the "Sidur" and to be seen by the congregation. He was eleven years old and had already left home to serve as choir singer for the then famous Cantor Kilimnick in Kishinev. Even before his Bar Mitzvah he had travelled over Bassarabia and Ukraine under the supervision of a manager. Cantor Barkan began his formal musical studies in Kishinev. In 1922 he came to the United States where he continued his studies of voice, harmony and composi tion in Boston and in Philadelphia. He was affiliated with Congregation Beth Am in Philadelphia, with the Jewish Center of Miami Beach and with Congregation Kehillath Israel of Brookline, Mass. In New York and in Philadelphia Cantor Barkan was almost as popular as con cert artist and radio singer as he was in his own profession. Through the years, especially during the war years, he has always been ready and eager to sing for service men at their posts and in the hospitals. That every Jewish cause is dear to him and that he is always ready to serve in common knowledge. Cantor Barkan is known as a composer, having published both religious and secular compositions. Dedicated March 16, 1958

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