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TPage is Dedicated in Memory of D octor Samuel R osenstein

By His Son


Dr. Rosenstein, who was a resident of San Antonio for many years, was born in Zithoner, Russia, and received and completed his education at a Kiev medical school. Following his graduation, he emigrated to Mexico City, Mexico, where he practiced his profession until the year of 1935. From here, he came to San Antonio, established permanent res idence, and continued to practice his chosen medical profession until the time of his death in March of 1959. During his residence in San Antonio, Dr. Rosenstein established a reputation as a philanthropist, because of his many generous contributions to both local and other worthy causes. Being an ardent supporter of Zionism, he contributed liberally of his means, to this movement and its related groups of Hadassah, Pioneer Women, and Mizrachi organizations. However, he did not limit his philanthropies to Zionist organiza tions alone, but he also contributed sizeable funds to have three children immigrated to Israel and it was because of his direct financial assistance that a number of young men and women were enabled to complete their respective college educations. Dr. Rosenstein died on March 30th, 1959, leaving behind a heri tage that his family can be justly proud of and one that should serve as an inspiration to others to establish similar heritages.

May His Soul Rest in Peace. Dedicated this 27th Day of March , 1Q60

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