This Page is Dedicated to Our Son Nathan On the Day of His Bar Mitzvah, August 15,1Q5Q By His Parents Mr. and Mrs. A t e Spector
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that our son Nathan has reached the accomplishment of his Bar Mitzvah and that his name is now to be inscribed in this renowned Book of Reminscences. May his Bar Mitzvah serve as the beginning of greater deeds and accomplishments by him to mankind, Judaism, and the Hebrew Free Loan Association. Nathan is an active member of Troop Nine Boy Scouts of America, is a member of the Rodfei Sholom Synagogue Choir, a regular atten dant of the Tallis and Tefillin Services of the Rodfei Sholom Synagogue, and attends all Saturday and Holiday Services of this same synagogue. He maintains an above average scholastic record and his respect for his parents and his elders is always manifested with the greatest of consideration. He is also very fond and close with his two sisters Belinda Rae and Toby Gale Spector. It is our desire that this page, with which we so proudly honor Nathan on his Bar Mitzvah day, be to him, a great inspiration, so that he may, in the years to come, partake in the work of the Hebrew Free Loan Association and assist in furthering its most worthy purpose.
Dedicated this 27th Day of March, 1Q60
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