

Her Goodness of Heart Was Matchless

A sincere friend to one — a sincere friend to all ... No task was ever too great — nor too small . . .

No glory seeker... in her quiet, unobstrusive manner Sarah Wolf successfully served as President of the Pioneer Women for three years; was a member of Agudas Achim Sisterhood, Rodfei Sholom Sisterhood, Hadassah, Community Center, B'nai B’rith Women, Golden Manor, Rodfei Sholom and Agudas Achim Synagogues... Life is not measured by our years, nor tears,

Nor by our wordly fears — or cares For life is measured and treasured only By our dreams, our deeds, our faith — our prayers.

Israel Wolf, her husband, Frances Levenson, Bertha Galkin — her daughters; Alvin Levenson, Sue and Sanley Galkin, her grand children — honor her beloved memory. Sarah Wolf was born April 26, 1893, Besarabia, Russia; Married Dec. 15, 1912; came to United States Dec. 1912 — a resident of San Antonio for 25 years. Died August 26, 1958. Hebrew Date Elul 10 5718

May Her Memory Be Blessed

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